Monday 20 August 2018


We live in a world where every single moment is survival for the fittest. We can't get a break from life, as it continuously weighs us down with various responsibilities & obligations which we are meant to fulfill. Life is indeed not fair & I don't believe it was ever supposed to be (that is just my thought, you don't have to be sucked into it). I believe there are moments that you sit down & wonder what is the whole purpose of being alive. What is the end goal, that we push ourselves nearing our breaking point?

On my part I am alive for I have been granted the opportunity of making this world a better place for those whom I will leave behind more particularly my family (I see several of you nodding your heads in agreement, others are like what is this). We have crafted a system of the dos & don'ts of living, making it a disciplined society (or so we think). We have emotions that at times get the best of us, clouding our day to day judgment (this does get dangerous as we can't clearly reason or think).
You have a right to be express your emotions & more particularly being angry, that is part of your genetic encoding. Life will drain you of every ounce of happiness if you do not watch yourself. You will feel like pulling you hair from its roots or gauge out your eyes from their sockets (this is a bit extreme, I wouldn't advise you to do it). All in all, being angry is part of who you are what you do thereafter is now what one has to take into consideration for our actions which follow can or will be questioned.
It is a known fact (or somewhat not known) that the most honest people are a drunk, a child & an angry person. When y0u are inflamed by this emotion, one is likely to unleash a torrent of words that may be damaging. Now, it is important to know that the tongue has been deemed as the most deadliest weapon on earth which has led to kingdoms to fall, empires to rise, wars to break out, peace to be thought of & so forth. What is it that am trying to illustrate here? When you are angry how to you use that energy that comes with it.
Do you proceed to wreck havoc all over or do you channel it into something more meaningful. There could be that acquittance/friend whom every time you see you become flamed with irritation to the point of seething with rage. Or it could be each moment you enter your work place, you feel like setting everything on fire. Or it could be every time you hear a specific voice of someone you know, you start frothing at the mouth like a dog with rabies. Or when ever your name is called out you feel like you want to stab someone in the throat.
Or when you leave your snack in the fridge only to find it gone after planning the whole day how you are going to devour it. These are just but a few examples of situations when anger is shown. It is vital to realize if you can not control your anger one way or another you will do something that you will later on come to regret. It is crucial you find a way of channeling out your anger without destroying all that is around you. Do not let your anger control your reasoning as well as the decisions that you are making in your life on a day to day basis.
It is a possibility for you to join an anger management class, listen to calming music like jazz, instrumentals, find extracurricular activity to take your mind of things (archery, zip lining, hiking, mountain climbing),  you could also confront (approach/face) that which is ticking you off, talking to a confidant (could be your best friend) about it & so on.
If symptoms persist I advise you see your psychologists/psychiatrist/priest/counselor.