Wednesday 27 September 2017


Hello me fellow readers (yes you, don't look confused or maybe it is out of curiosity that you mistakenly clicked on the link to this page). Anyway, I do hope that you have been well & that somehow things are looking up for you. On my part, nothing much to complain about just grateful for that which has been graciously given to me. By the way before I forget, weeeee this year has been just full of drama galore. If it is not the nation in turmoil due to the election tension leading to now to voting twice a first in our history (maybe it is just in my time of the supposed older generation, I don't know about you). There is the economic crunch that has hit hard below the belt with a sucker punch. The weather has been on a mood swing pendulum, one time it is crazy cold the other time it is blazing hot. Running battles in the streets between protesters, the police & occasional by bad luck a civilian gets in the way (this is so confusing, what is happening to us)

The number of fatal accidents on our roads has been on an all time high streak, it is devastating that life is being lost left right & center (God help us, it is like a human sacrifice ceremony of sorts is being conducted).Politicians have gone on a rampage wanting to bleed the country dry, all in the name of being 'mheshimiwa'. The madness of the world has been unleashed & the very gates of hell have been flanged wide open. All manner of chaos is erupting all round, it is like the end of times reached & we didn't hear the trumpet call. Hey am not here to kill your mood of the day, may be you thought this was going to be a happy story to cheer you up from the long day you have had or might have but fortunately all I want to do is just share some facts.

Let me now get to the agenda of the hour if I may. I have a question, do you work well with others (I mean, are you a team player) or you just work best by yourself?(no need to tell me, just hold that thought for a minute or two in your mind) We are all engineered differently, as such we each tackle life at a different angle in a different way. No one ever predicts the outcome of how an event may turn out to be in the long run. I will give you an example of such, like when you have been given some assignment to work on & it has a deadline. The most natural thing to do will be to tackle the same on your own. However as the deadline approaches you will either end up asking for help or unless you are a hard headed or stubborn person end up doing it on your own.

The other example would be, if you are facing a crisis & you opt to keep quiet about it. You may have a valid reason for the same (maybe you don't trust the people who are around you, who knows) but  you may at one time or the other ask for their assistance. You are puzzling over whether to take a job or not & you feel that you are caught up in the proverbial phrase between a rock & a hard place. If you take it, it may mean you relocate or have to work more hours. A final one would be, (God forbid) you have a family member who is critically ill & they have to be hospitalized. At first you may decide to handle the bills but are afraid to seek others to chip in. Mind you in the long run you may make a plea to the masses to help. 

These are just but a few examples of situations whereby, strong as you are you can't survive on your own or handle something by yourself. You may need an acquittance, a friend, a family member, a best friend or God (not to leave out any other spiritual/religious belief). It takes real courage to stand up & ask for help. It may feel like as if you are demoting yourself to a beggar (no offense intended). Many of us suffer in silence & if we had the chance to break lose of the same we would be far in life. Most times we keep on contemplating, if I ask them will they not look down at me or won't they consider me a bother or a pain in the back side. My friend, you have heard what the most common cliché says, "no man (or woman) is an island.

When you are in need, not necessarily of material things. It could be for moral support or just a listening ear, you may have to engage someone else for the sake of sharing that which is in your mind. As is the case, two heads are better than one. Let me share with you something that I saw written on a bus, it goes like this, "If you want to talk to God, stop, find a peaceful spot and talk to Him. If you want to see Him, text while you drive". What do you think it means? Maybe you will share with me on the same the next time I grace this page.