Monday 29 May 2017


Hi there, how have you been? It has indeed been quite a while, since I last graced this page with my utter gibberish & nonsensical ideologies of what is what (so am told). I wonder, where is this life heading to with the high expectation that society has of all of us (sigh). What is all the fuss about, yet we have only one life to live & one voice to give. Anyway you are a wonder like no other (it is no joke, am serious), you remember the seven wonders of the world now you have just official become the eighth. How your react to that which is around you is something that differs from the rest of the creatures of the world. We shall raise our voices high as we listen to the beating of our hearts like the tum tum drums. 

However, for the past few days the weather has been quite chilly to the extent of ones toes curling (I tell you it is like as if hell has literally frozen over). You have now become one with your bed covers, pulling them closer & tighter as you try to cover every inch of your body from the cold as it bites you at every opportunity it can get. You have now being accepted by your bed covers as one of their own. How was that for a twist of events throwing together a bunch of sentences to bring out one key aspect & that is, 'life is what you make it to be'. No! there is no instructions manual on life you are here to learn from experience.

Who would have thought that getting a good education would feel like climbing the very peak of Mt. Kilimanjoro. I tell you, the mountain looks majestic from all angles but to truly appreciate it you will have to scale its steep, rugged walls to get to the top & view the world below, then you will grasp its beauty. Anyway, there you are at your work station, bed, in a matatu/bus, at a lounge (this is not exhaustive mind you) trying to understand where is your life headed & what are the chances you are going to make it to your forty's (considering the high mortality rate). You are scratching you head vigorously like a lottery ticket hoping this is the one which gives you the big win. Sipping your chilled drink (any is acceptable - alcoholic or not, I don't judge)
You question the reality of this universe & what it holds in its clutched hands in store for you. Well, I may not be the oracle of life or have the answers to your tough questions but know this no matter what you face in life, there is only one of you. You are the determining factor (not forgetting God, just saying) on how you can make your life more meaningful. Yes, you are going through a rough patch, no deal is going through, you are not meeting the expected standards of your boss, a loved one has disappointed you, you have been betrayed by a friend & so forth. Well, it is unfortunate that there is pain, misery, disappointments, heart breaks, frustrations and the likes that you are going through.

We are born with the aspect of worrying each & every time when something is not going our way. You pin your hopes on a friend to bail you out of mix you are in, lo & behold you are left to fend for yourself like the scarecrow against crows. You count on getting that promotion, it doesn't fall through as somebody else snatches it from your open palms. You are there hoping to win that case & all hell breaks loose your client gets sentenced to jail. You pray that your blessing comes through, but you are not seeing any hopes of it happening. Well my brother & sister, it is not written in stone that your life shall continue on a downward trend forever. A time is coming when you shall just stare & wonder, what was I complaining about. Saying to yourself, why am I even stressing myself over nothing!

We put so much weight on our shoulders that we forget that if only we had the patience, all will come to pass just like the storm calms down one way or the other. Life may have dealt you a bad hand but you know what (what? had to respond to myself since you are all so engrossed on what am saying). If life knocks you down, you should land on your back. If you can look up, you can get up. Don't give up. Every situation in your life happens for a specific reason which neither you nor I can understand or comprehend. Every day when you wake up, let your first thought be "today is going to be a good day" (you may laugh at this & shrug it away as being wishful thinking). You may jeer at me saying I am but a dreamer, well if you ever heard the story of Joseph he was one but look at how far he came in life.

It is a challenge to face each day with hope, but remember that when the sun rises with it comes a new dawn. Each day is a fresh opportunity to start over, to grow, learn, rectify the mistakes made & to shape your dreams into reality. Be it at work, at home, with friends, with your colleagues if you don't put your foot down & say "enough is enough, I am done". You will continue to be a slave to your fears, disappointments, pain, misery, chaos, curses (if you are a superstitious lot) & the list is quite lengthy. You have to take a stand like a warrior, spear in hand, shield in the other ready to face that roaring, charging lion approaching fast. Remember that no matter how tough it is or how tough it gets, you are going to make it.
"You are blessed and highly favoured."