Tuesday 10 January 2017


"Knowledge is indeed power" or what say you! Do you agree with the quote or do you think it is just a rouse to get you all fired up, like a warrior getting ready for battle! Sword in hand, shield raised up high & with one last battle cry racing into the battle field. Here on this lovely earth you are subjected to the responsibility of bettering yourself through academia but most of you do not see the need as to why one should torture themselves this much. 

The journey is long, hard, you have many sleepless nights, grumpy mornings, aching backs as you bend over the books and so on. You have to go through all these to attain some form of academic status as employment does not come easy. Like the emergence of a butterfly from its cocoon, unleashing itself to the unsuspecting world. Such is life that you have to attain some form of intelligence to get to the greater heights. 

This is not solely based on going to school to be educated but it can also be through reading various books which are at your disposal or by passing through the school of hard-knocks. We fail as a people when we take things for granted & be at ease in our comfort zones. Whenever an opportunity arises that will make one more informed, we shun it like a plague fearful of its down side & thw possible outcome.

Running away like cowards claiming to live to fight another day. Why are we so caught up in slacking behind & when we see others do better than us, we rant about how unfair the world is? If only we could realize our actual potential & stick to our guns. When the going gets tough, you have to become tougher in the going. The best of things are hard to come by, you have to work hard to attain them & put your best foot forward. 

Read that book you have been putting on your bed side, go through the daily newspapers, read a magazine, read articles from blogs that may catch your eye, read a book that is sold by the street vendor, if it is the law of the land read the constitution of the country to familiarize yourself with its contents & dig deep into the material all around you, for there will never be enough to learn from in this world.
"Ignorance is no defence".