Monday 17 October 2016


Hi there, I see that you are up & about trying to make ends meet on this sunny day. The dust is rising all around you like a demon escaped from the fiery pits of hell. The sun is scorching hot like a branding iron to the point of driving one to literary lose their mad. What sorcery is this that the weather has turned on us like a hungry viper ready to strike? Such a distortion of the elements raining all manner of puzzling moods, confusing one to the brink of calling it quits. Well then, don't worry about it, soon enough you shall embark on the journey to slumber land, where the weary rest & the world goes quiet.

Now back to the frieght train that has carried us off to neverland, where you sit down & question your very existence in life. It is such a pity that we fail to live to our fullest potential like the proverbial baobab tree. Robust & expectant of great things to come from whence we know not. Such is life that we take upon ourselves to make the best of what little opportunity that knocks on our wooden door. To be or not to be, that is indeed the question posed by the great philosphers that lived once. Each waking moment, we strive to leave a mark behind in the lives that we touch, be it in a positive or in a dark way for such is the way of life.

We are set apart from all the other creatures on earth by the unique characteristics that we portray. We have a heightened sense of feeling that makes us to be distinctive as humans. Our very actions tends to affect those who are aound us when let lose that which is within us. We have to learn that for every action there is likely to be a reaction (though this is not always a must). It is said by the famous public & motivational speaker Robin Sharma, "who will cry when you die". It is said that when we are born the world rejoices, while we cry. Ask yourself, "what impact do you have in the lives of those around you".

Live each day as if it is your last make each moment to count, the clock going round & round like the merry go round. Remember that it is said that the tongue is the most powerful & deadliest weapon that can either build or destroy. When you are off blubbering that which has clustered in your mind, try to be considerate of those whom are around you. For in your quest to pursue a meaningful relation with others let your words be a light to their darkness  a sun shine in the cloudy days, a beacon of hope to the hopeless & strength to the weak. You are set apart like the phoenix rising from the ashes claiming your rightful place on the throne.