Friday 18 September 2015


"I love you my darling with all my heart, being & body. I will cherish you for a life time & relish the thought of growing old together with you. You are the woman after my own heart. The amber that ignites the firey love within me. The hands that steady me when I stumble, the shoulder I lean on when am down, the ear that listens to my cry. Your eyes are a gateway to your heart, where I will solely handcuff myself for eternity. Each moment spent with you sparks a deeper sensation of belonging. I am yours now & till the heavens beckon me".
"Do you have anyone special in your life? Or is your heart shackled to another who has the key to the lock?" These are examples of questions raised at times when I grace social gatherings or events. Other times it is usually, "who is the unlucky lady who has been entrapped by your sly tongue?" At such times that is when one would like to reply, "I am in a union with Jesus, who satisfies me in every way", but for not wanting to sound rude I simply reply I am 'hitched'.

Anyway, when you are with a life partner (that is if the heavenly Father has directed a damsel in need of some loving your merry way) you get to learn real quick that no one is meant to be taken for granted. Each decision you make has a ripple effect on how your partner & you get along. For one never knows the real value of a well until it runs dry. Most of you are now thinking to  themselves what is this chap upto or has he gotten the love bug.

Well ladies & gents (if there are any amongst you, though I highly doubt it but for now I will give you the benefit of doubt) the reality of life these days is that all manner of relationships that have cropped up are mostly based on convinience & not the truer definition of love (more of mi casa es su casa). We are more so after the desires of the body, only wanting to quench our thirst & urges. It is saddening that we lost our way just like the betrayal by Judas of our Lord & Savior, only for him to realise his mistake when it was already too late. 

Most people just take for granted their lover's, boyfriend's, girlfriend's, fiancĂ©e's, fiance's, wives or even husbands (am not pointing any fingers at anyone  but just stating a known & standing fact). We need to embrace the truth & come to terms with the harsh reality that nothing in this world is cast in stone, everything in this life has a beginning & an end. We fail miserably to appreciate with whom we started a friendship with the assumption that it will always be a small paradise between the two of you. 

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Things can take a tumble leaving you all perplexed, confused & in a state of painful memories. If you do not take the initiative of trying to make things work between you & your partner, your relationship will become a minefield with either of you ready to explode at the slightest provocation. Any form of union between individuals needs to be based on trust, communication, loyalty & honesty. 

What I simply mean is that when you are 'hitched' don't screw that up. You have an obligation to make things work between the two of you. Yes it is tough, yes it is challenging, yes it is energy draining, yes it is mind boggling but when you are on this journey of life having someone who has your back, sees your potential, who is your strength, your pillar, your one & only true love (though some of you may dispute the existence of true love, but hey it is what it is) there is nothing you can't face in this world.

Monday 14 September 2015


"Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo"African Saying. 
Is it true that how you raise your child will determine the end result of how they will grow up to be like? This is just a normal query, nothing to get you all fired up ready to hail insults my  way. It is a simple & direct question that has been nagging at the back of my mind. The reason I ask this, is because that is what am getting from the saying that I wrote at the beginning of all these.

In my own opinion, I think it is accurate or what do you think? Let us take a step back into memory lane, back to when we were growing up & we were young, wild & free. We were the kids in the block, riding around in our bmx bikes as we raced each other along the dusty roads of our estates. You would here laughter & jeering as we tried to out do each other, seeing who was the fastest, had the newest bike........

if you do get time, look at/study those individulas who were born in the 80s, how they carry themsleves around & how they interact with others. Tell me, what do you notice? Is there a difference as between them & the current generation that were given life just recently. Does there mannerism differ from those whom have come into the new world order. Those of the earlier time understood the meaning of respect, talking in a low voice, not talking back to the elderly or your parent (this could get you knocked out cold if you yapped about) & so forth.

One thing was for sure & it always stuck in our minds, when your mum said you had to be back in the house by 4 o'clock, my friend that was not a suggestion but a direct order delivered with the most lethal of smiles. Failure to adhere to the timeline given, I can assure you, you will be in for a whooping like you have never experienced before (I can even show you the marks on my legs, thighs & even behind to prove the fatality of the beating that had been unleashed).

You have heard that it takes a whole village to rise a child, well where I come am from that was in actuality a reality. Anyone could discipline you without been questioned, now come to the current times where if you try beating a child you will either get yourself arrested, taken to court or deemed as a sadist. Parents of the new world order kids, instead of disciplining their child, they give them time out (what the hell is time out) or worse off telling them they are grounded (who in their right mind tells a child they are grounded, the only grounded I knew was when my father's belt was working on my behind while I was horizontally proportionate to the ground, eiiish).

The current generation has gotten enslaved with the latest gadgets that are in the market. You find a child only 7/8/9 years old & he/she has a smart phone more expensive than your android phone. Instead of playing outside like we used to do, one is found playing candy crush & such like games unceremoniously. Anyway if you are bring a child into this world you better make sure that you understand that he/she is going to go out into the world & meet with other people of various cultures, backgrounds & ethnicities, teach them some damn respect & don't just let loose hooligans into the otherwise peaceful world.